Aktuelle Termine

19. Woche 2024

Dienstag, 7.05.

Seminar Theoretische Quantendynamik

Zeit, Ort:

11:15 Uhr, Otto Hahn lecture hall, library building


Dr. Michael Quin, MPIK


Electron-positron microbunches as a source of XUV attosecond light pulses

Mittwoch, 8.05.

Seminar Dynamik und Struktur von Atomen und Molekülen

Zeit, Ort:

09:30 Uhr, Central Seminar Room, library building


Nick Lackmann, Highly charged ion dynamics


Velocity map imaging with an XUV comb


Zeit, Ort:

11:15 Uhr, Central seminar room, library building


Prof. Marcus Dahlström, Department of Physics, Lund University


Playing with XUV-dressed atoms: Stabilization, entanglement, triplets, zero areas and other ideas from quantum optics

Free electron laser (FEL) sources can provide short-wavelength radiation with sufficient intensity to induce coherent nonperturbative electron dynamics in atoms. Rabi oscillations at extreme ultraviolet (XUV) wavelengths have been observed on ultrafast timescales for helium atoms using the seeded XUV-FEL at FERMI [1]. Interestingly, the nonlinear photoionization processes, from the ground state (1s2) and the resonant excited state (1s4p), resulted in a subtle quantum interference effect that caused strong asymmetries in the experimental signal. This effect opens up novel possibilities for quantum coherent control.Here, we propose that helium atoms, subjected to circularly polarized FEL pulses, can be used to study a previously unrealized effect: dressed-atom stabilization [2]. The signature of this effect is found in the photoelectron distribution of a Rabi cycling atom: as a single photoelectron peak, rather than the expected doublet peaks (Autler-Townes effect) that are usually associated with the two dressed states.Further, we present an analysis of the time-dependent von Neumann entropy of entanglement in a related process: One photon XUV ionization, followed by XUV dressing of the ion [3]. Comparison is made with recent XUV-FEL experiments performed at FERMI for the reaction: 1s2 > 1sEp <> 2pEp in helium atoms. We show how the emerging doublet structure in the photoelectron distribution is related to the generation of quantum entanglement between the free photoelectron and the XUV-dressed ion. References:[1] Nandi, S. et al. Observation of Rabi dynamics with a short-wavelength free-electron laser. Nature 608, 488-493 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41586-022-04948-y [2] Olofsson, E. & Dahlström, J. M. Photoelectron signature of dressed-atom stabilization in an intense XUV field. Phys. Rev. Research 5, 043017 (2023).https://doi-org.ludwig.lub.lu.se/10.1103/PhysRevResearch.5.043017 [3] Nandi, S. et al. Generation of entanglement using a short-wavelength seeded free-electron laser. Sci. Adv. 10, eado0668 (2024).https://doi.org/10.1126/sciadv.ado0668 [4] Stenquist, A. et al. Mollow-like triplets in ultra-fast resonant absorption (preprint 2024)https://doi.org/10.48550/arXiv.2403.18676

Freitag, 10.05.

Particle and Astroparticle Theory Seminar

Zeit, Ort:

11:15 Uhr, Seminar room Lindner 339, Gentner lab, 2nd floor


Dr. Junichiro Kawamura (Institute for Basic Science, Daejeon, South Korea)


Pseudo NG bosons from finite modular symmetry and radiative stabilization

In this talk, I argue that the modulus field of the finite modular symmetry can be stabilizedby the Coleman-Weinberg (CW) potential due to a modulus coupling to a heavy mass term,such as the vector-like quark masses in the KSVZ axion modeland Majorana mass of the type-I seesaw mechanism for the light neutrinos.As a result of this stabilization, the modulus is stabilized at a pointwhere the residual ZN symmetry is approximately unbroken.Interestingly, this ZN symmetry has an accidental U(1) symmetry,and thus the axionic component of the modulus becomes a pseudo NG boson. I will show two simple scenarios which are mostly the KSVZ axion and type-I seesaw models.For the former, I will discuss its consequence to the strong CP problem,and the majoron contributions to dark matter and radiation in the latter scenario.The study for the axion model can be found in arXiv:2402.02071.